
Namaskar Sangha, I will be traveling on Friday 14 Feb and will arrive late so won’t be able to teach.  All other days classes per usual. Please join or do a video. With Gratitude,  Deborah  


Namaskar Sangha, I am so sorry but I am quite sick and I need to have a day to rest and because class begins at midnight here, it affects my ability to sleep (it’s 4:30am and i’m still awake). So there will not be classes tomorrow. Please follow the uploaded video for tomorrow or any […]


Namaskar Sangha, Constant practice leads to transformative change! See you for classes Friday morning I hope. REMINDER: weekend classes for the next month or so whilst in Asia 0800-0900h (that’s 0100-0200h in the morning here). I am working on my return and will let you know. 15-20min both days on fascia. Rest of time flow on […]


Namaskar Sangha, I hope to see you for Tuesday’s classes. There will not be classes 15-18 Jan. I’ve taught through all the holidays and these days it’ll be close to impossible to get connection so I will not stress about finding it in China and will take these days off. 19 Jan I travel out […]


Namaskar Sangha, Reminder no Saturday classes today. Have just arrived to the orphanage after a 27hr day. Please join Sunday, 0800-0900h PST for fascia then yin. For all weekend classes going forward, there will be 15-20 fascia followed by 40-45min flow on Saturdays and 40-45min Yin on Sundays. Tomorrow Fascia lower leg. Yin, feet, lower […]


Namaskar Sangha, This letter is long overdue so apologies. I wanted to thank each and every single one of you for the honor to teach and guide you, for your trust in me and for your commitment. I am here as your wellness coach always. We are on this journey together.  I will be traveling […]


Namaskar Sangha, I’ll be traveling tomorrow morning back to the US. when I arrive at the airport I will still teach our Sunday class. but it’ll have to be 11:45am California time. We will do a quick shoulder fascia release(so need a corner wall and smallest or medium ball) 11:45am – noon. Then Yin noon […]


Namaskar Sangha, Please join New Year’s Day practice. It’ll now be all levels 0700-0800h – it snowed today so i will ski one final day! Start the year off with a practice and commit to daily, even 15min a day, for 2025! Please use intermediate link. 2 Jan on will be regular schedule. Please look […]


Namaskar Sangha, 30 Dec – 4 Jan regular schedule 0700-0800h intermediate, 0800-0830h beginners. EXCEPT 31 December my only remaining ski day – All levels only 0700-0745h With love & gratitude, Deborah


Namaskar Sangha, for the weekend classes use the weekend link. forgot tomorrow is saturday. saturday 7-7:15am fascia feet 7:15-7:45 strength flow sunday 7-7:15am fascia hands 7:15-7:45am yin all other days are all levels so please use intermediate link deborah With love & gratitude, Deborah