Class News

Stay in the know about class content and schedule

Namaskar Sangha,

I will be traveling on Friday 14 Feb and will arrive late so won’t be able to teach. 

All other days classes per usual. Please join or do a video.

With Gratitude, 



Namaskar Sangha,

I am so sorry but I am quite sick and I need to have a day to rest and because class begins at midnight here, it affects my ability to sleep (it’s 4:30am and i’m still awake). So there will not be classes tomorrow. Please follow the uploaded video for tomorrow or any other videos. 10-15min minimum.

Thank you for your understanding. Classes will resume Friday.

With Love and Gratitude, 


Namaskar Sangha,

Constant practice leads to transformative change! See you for classes Friday morning I hope.

REMINDER: weekend classes for the next month or so whilst in Asia 0800-0900h (that’s 0100-0200h in the morning here). I am working on my return and will let you know.

15-20min both days on fascia. Rest of time flow on Saturday and Yin on Sunday.

This weekend fascia all about hamstrings with a special hamstring sequence to release tightness on Saturday and inner thigh release on Sunday.

Yin will focus on hamstring, thigh and hip openings.

Please always send me requests. 

Please invite friends and family and share the LOVE!

With Love and Gratitude, 


Namaskar Sangha,

I hope to see you for Tuesday’s classes.

There will not be classes 15-18 Jan. I’ve taught through all the holidays and these days it’ll be close to impossible to get connection so I will not stress about finding it in China and will take these days off.

19 Jan I travel out of China so no classes. 

All classes resume 20 january.

Many thanks. Please do the uploaded videos or any video of choice. 20-30min daily or any other form of moving body is perfect. 

See you for Tuesday classes I hope.

Deborah 🙏🏼

With Love and Gratitude, 


Namaskar Sangha,

Reminder no Saturday classes today. Have just arrived to the orphanage after a 27hr day.

Please join Sunday, 0800-0900h PST for fascia then yin.

For all weekend classes going forward, there will be 15-20 fascia followed by 40-45min flow on Saturdays and 40-45min Yin on Sundays. Tomorrow Fascia lower leg. Yin, feet, lower leg, hamstrings

With the exception of 15 & 16 and 18 January when there are no classes because I will be in rural areas of China with no reception all classes resume regular time as of our Sunday class.

Also, please lmk if you’d like to join the lifestyle reset. For all members, it will be $150 for the month with the option to continue for a second month at no extra cost, supported and guided by me. For friends and family who are not members, the cost is $250.

Start date will be Saturday, 25 January through 25 February. Please lmk so I can created your bespoke program and have a brief meeting with you if you’re new to this before I fly Friday or whilst I’m overseas. 

See you in class soon. 

With Love and Gratitude, 


Namaskar Sangha,

This letter is long overdue so apologies. I wanted to thank each and every single one of you for the honor to teach and guide you, for your trust in me and for your commitment. I am here as your wellness coach always. We are on this journey together. 

I will be traveling to the China orphanage this Friday morning. I will teach an All Levels class when I land In San Francisco before my connection to Beijing. Baring unforeseen delays, class will be 0900-0945h.

I will arrive the following evening. It’ll be too hard to teach as so much will be out of my control as I have a long drive to the Home. So no classes on Saturday. Please use the uploaded video or choose any other videos from the archives. Sunday onward, classes resume.

For the new year, slight class time changes: 

All beginners classes will be 0800-0830, Mon-Fri

All weekend classes will be 0800-0900 through May as I’ll be in Asia and it will be 12am-1am there! First 20min fascia, rest of time flow and / or yin.

Finally, please lmk if you’d like to join the lifestyle reset. For all members, it will be $150 for the month with the option to continue for a second month at no extra cost, supported and guided by me. For friends and family who are not members, the cost is $250.

Start date will be Saturday, 25 January through 25 February. Please lmk so I can created your bespoke program and have a brief meeting with you if you’re new to this before I fly Friday or whilst I’m overseas. 

See you in class soon. 

With Love and Gratitude, 
