Class News

Stay in the know about class content and schedule

Namaskar Sangha,

Reminder Today, Wednesday, 31 july, no classes as i will be traveling to Singapore.

See you tomorrow!!!! Please do a video if you cannot join livestream. Consistent daily practice leads to transformative change.

with gratitude,


Namaskar Sangha,

26th july Intermediate will begin 15min later at 0715h, ending 0800h. beginners per usual

27th & 28th july classes will begin at 0800h – 0900h (sorry, very very late in Bali)

31 july no classes as i will be traveling to singapore

thank you for your understanding. around middle of first week august i will be flying to europe from singapore so there will be one day i cannot teach. that is tba. then we will be on schedule.

with gratitude,


Namaskar Sangha,

namaskar sangha,

i am so sorry. i tried to sort flight times to bali, indonesia so it wouldn’t interfere with classes this weekend but it’s a 33-hour journey and there is just no way. i will see you for class monday. thank you for your understanding. please do the uploaded videos.


Namaskar Sangha,

No livestream classes tomorrow, Thursday, 11 July. I will be flying back to the US. Please do the videos that have been uploaded. Stay with your regular practice schedule!!! See you Friday 12 July.

With Gratitude,


Namaskar Sangha,

4th of july, thursday, i’m sure you would all like to sleep in. classes will begin at 0830h for intermediate. 0930h for beginners. please join.

with gratitude,


Namaskar Sangha,
i will be flying monday night to zurich for a funeral. i won’t land in time on tuesday. please do a video and i’ll see you wednesday ( also monday classes per usual)
thank you for your understanding.
with love and gratitude,
